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When I was in high school, the only cassette we listened to while lifting weights was Queen, over and over and over again, making the underclassmen rewind it to start over.  I think I still remember all the words to “We are the Champions” and “We Will Rock You“.  Our football team ended up being Runner-Up State Champions my senior year (I dated #13).  It was exciting to pack so many people into our teeny tiny football field for the championship game. Remember, I’m from Nebraska, home of the Cornhuskers – we don’t have much more entertainment available other than football.

A lot was changed from when I was a senior in the fall of 1989 til now when my son is a senior, also #13 like his dad (no need to do the math – I got knocked-up while still in highschool).  Anyway, the old football field is now covered in bushels of corn, and the kids have a real sports complex to compete at.  I wish we would have had a track when I ran sprints in high school.  We ran around city blocks and down gravel roads, no lie.

Last year, the Pierce Bluejays were the class C-1 state champs in Nebraska.  My son (then a junior) had broken his leg, so didn’t get to play at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln where the championship games are now held.  He was still a part of the team though, so got recognized with a gold medal.  And I forked out a few hundred dollars for a championship ring, plus all the tshirts, posters, and DVD’s as keepsakes.

This year, as a senior, my son broke his hand!  And, yes, he gets enough calcium.  Both times, the doctor said the breaks were rare happenstances.  And our team made it to the championship again this year!  How exciting!  We were coined the underdog against Boys Town and predicted to lose.  But our Bluejays stood up strong to the Cowboys yesterday, and we won 20 – 10!  Even though my son’s hand is not fully healed, the coach let him play on the special offensive team, so he can say he played in the championship winning game.  What a memorable experience!

Picture above is of my son and me and was taken after the long cold day (game was at 10:30 am) following by a convey leading the boys home (Lincoln is 3 hours away) to celebrate their back-to-back victories! And now I’m sure I’ll have another ring and memorabilia to buy…